Startup PLUS Community Seminar
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 (8:30 AM - 10:30 AM) (CDT)
Financial Mastery for your Business
Financial mastery is THE determining success factor for business matters beginning with a wealth mindset to knowing the numbers!
In this Startup presentation, Coach Lee will share the critical financial factors you need to know!
Coach Lee Gray, 2017 Breakout Coach of the Year for ActionCOACH USA, 2023 ActionMAN of the Year Award (peer award), more than 30 years in sales & marketing, 8 years as ActionCOACH Kansas Business Coaching firm more than 10,000 hours coaching. Degree: Organizational Leadership & Management.
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Emprise Bank - Downtown, 257 N. Broadway.
Startup PLUS Community Sponsors
257 N Broadway
Wichita, KS 67202 United States
You can park in any space that is marked visitor in the lot south of the building. If this lot is full, you can park in the lot across the street to the east in the visitor spots facing the red brick building.
Please enter the Emprise Bank building from the south lot and check in at the large desk in the middle of the lobby. (the doors off Broadway are kept locked).
Startup PLUS